Art is Love
“There is only you and your many canvases. The limitations in your work are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” ~ Chris Evans

Chris in Action
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Our Studio
416 South McDowell St. Raleigh, NC 27601
Tuesday - Saturday 11 AM - 6 PM

Tattoo Care
You have a brand new tattoo and you really want to take good care of it. From this point on your artist is not responsible for an infection or problems you may have if you do not properly take care of your tattoo. It is very important to read and follow these guidelines.
Keep your bandage on for at least 2 hours, and no more than 6 hours.
After removing your bandage, with clean hands use antibacterial soap to remove all plasma and dried blood from your tattoo. Do not use cloth or anything rough.
You do not need to re-bandage your tattoo.
Wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap and apply a thin coat of Aquaphor twice a day for the first two weeks.
During the second and third weeks after receiving your tattoo, replace the Aquaphor with a non scent, no dye lotion (Lubriderm recommended).
A protective seal may form on your tattoo a couple days after you leave the studio. It is important not to tamper with it. Let the healing take its course, it will fall off after six or seven days.
It is ok to hit the gym -- wear loose clothes allowing your tattoo can breathe.

Always make sure your hands are clean before tampering with your tattoo.
Be careful with your tattoo while bathing. Do not scrub your tattoo with a rag or cloth, simply use your hand to gently scrub the area.
Keep tattoo out of direct sunlight.

Don't pick or scratch off any scabs from your tattoo. They are there to protect your tattoo-- just let it take its course.
Don't submerge your tattoo under water, for example, bathtubs, hot tub, pool, ocean, etc. Please shower!
DON'T USE NEOSPORIN. Neosporin is a wonderful product for cuts and scrapes, not for tattoos. It will RUIN your artwork.
No saunas or steam rooms.